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NGO “Vzayemopomich”
NGO “Vzayemopomich” шукає 3 учасників(-иць), для участі у тренінгу, “Go Visual”, що відбудеться 17-25 червня в Tauchen, Austria.
About the project:
The aim of the Go Visual project is to raise awareness and develop competence of educators in visual thinking tools and graphic facilitation, in order to empower, raise effectiveness and quality of educational process and learning.
– To increase awareness and importance of the use of the visual thinking tools in education and youth work, and how to apply them to youth work and training;
– To learn basic elements of visual language and how to use it to create meanings and to develop your own visual library
– To explore sketch-noting & graphic recording techniques: to visualise and structure concepts and ideas in an easy and concise way.
– To explore why visuals are useful and how they help to better remember & understand things, empower and motivate, grab attention & and call to action.
– To learn what graphic facilitation is and how to use it in different contexts and for specific goals:
– To learn how to stimulate critical thinking and creativity with graphic tools.
– To become more self-expressive and to reduce risks of misunderstanding;
– To create visual instruments to support the self-learning process of visual think and graphic facilitation competence development.
– To discuss the ways how visual thinking tools contribute to social inclusion in education and youth work.